Youth & Teens
Children are faced with challenges in today’s world that other generations past never could have imagined. Oftentimes youth and teens are left to fend for themselves, either by direct neglect, or by unintentionally allowing them to “silently suffer” through their personal struggles.
This section is dedicated to give voice to struggles that youth face by empowering them with resources and information, while inviting their parents and guardians to engage in healthy dialogue of their reality.

Common Things I Help With in My Office...
“My parents won’t allow me to make my own decisions and are pushing me away from wanting to be a part of the family.”
“I often feel alone and as an outcast from others in my life.”
“I am afraid that I can’t make it on my own in this world when I become an adult.”
“I struggle to believe that God is real or is good, especially when so many bad things seem to happen.”
“I’ve been engaging in inappropriate behaviors and I struggle telling the people in my life that should know about it."
Featured Readings
The Five Love Languages of Teenagers, by Gary Chapman
Based on the same principles of his other Love Languages books, Gary Chapman highlights the unique conditions of the teenagers heart. This book offers practical approaches to create a meaningful and invaluable connection with your teen.
Boundaries with Teens, by John Townsend
This book offers the guidance you need to help your teens take responsibility for their actions, attitudes, and emotions and gain a deeper appreciation and respect both for you and for themselves. Similar to the other Boundaries books, this one applies biblically based principles for the challenging task of guiding your children through the teen years.
Featured Articles & Posts
"Decision-Making Muscle Building"
Written by: Mark Gregston
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Written by: Mark Gregston
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“Have a Plan for Dealing With Peer Pressure”
Written by: Jim Fay
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“Adolescence – Are You Ready for the Tough Questions?”
Written by: Dennis Rainey
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