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God calls us to relationships, and there is no deeper intended unity than that of a husband and wife. In fact, the Bible begins with a marriage and ends with a marriage, and although God is the author of marriage. Although he is the perfector of marriage. 
This section is dedicated to providing information and resources that will help those seeking to prepare for, enhance or even save their marriage as God intended it to be.
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Common Things I Help With in My Office...



  • “My spouse and I feel more like roommates than a couple.”

  • “Every time we bring up the same issue it just gets worse. It’s predicatively negative.”

  • “Whenever I try to talk to them, they just shut down, sometimes explode. Things never get resolved.”

  • “We are both committed to this marriage and to God, but we don’t feel as close as we used to.”

  • “We don’t want to repeat the issues our families had.”

  • “My spouse won’t let go of an old issue and brings it up every chance they get.”



Recommended Reading

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​Saving Your Marriage

Before it Starts

by Les & Leslie Parrot

I highly recommend this book and workbook combination to be used by all pre-marital couples I work with. This book is a great dialogue starter on the key issues in marriage, yet offers practical self-assessments and exercises to practice with your mate.


Boundaries in Marriage​


by Les & Leslie Parrot

It is essential to establish a healthy distinction of “me” versus “you” versus “us” in a spiritual marriage, and Cloud & Townsend do just that in this book. Scriptural based truths presented in direct and practical ways that encourage you to develop a healthy “relationship posture” for marriage.


The Sacred Search​


by Gary Thomas

Similar to Sacred Marriage, Gary Thomas really connects to the deeper meaning of relationship and the spiritual journey marriage embarks us on.


The Five Love Languages​


by Gary Chapman

It is essential to establish a healthy distinction of “me” versus “you” versus “us” in a spiritual marriage, and Cloud & Townsend do just that in this book. Scriptural based truths presented in direct and practical ways that encourage you to develop a healthy “relationship posture” for marriage.


Love & Respect​



by Emerson Eggerichs

Based on the scriptural truths of Ephesians 5:33, this book really explains the importance of validating and loving each other prior to seeking the validation and love from each other. The goal is to help you get off the “crazy cycle” in your marriage, and shift to the “energizing cycle” as God designed it.


Two Becoming One​



by Don and Sally Meredith

Don and Sally highlight the type of spiritual foundation and practical spiritual disciplines can be followed by both spouses to create a maturity in marriage that can’t be found without God.





Love and War: Finding the Marriage You Dreamed Of


by John and Stasi Eldredge

Written with authentic and personable reflections from the authors, this is a very helpful dialogue starter between couples to recognize the storylines that have unfolded throughout their marriage and the chapters that God has yet to reveal.


Open Hearts: Renewing Relationships with Recovery, Romance & Reality

by Carnes, Laaser & Laaser

Open Hearts is a book that a couple reads together, with the intention of having an honest, vulnerable look at themselves and the type of “dance” they have created by looking at the tougher issues and hurts, yet encourage the hope and true intimacy that exists when allowing love to prevail.

More Recommended Books 


Hope for the Separated​



by Gary Chapman

Justin Bangert, MS, LMFT

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist


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