Preventing Burnout and Compassion Fatigue

What is Burnout?
Burnout is a state of physical, mental, spiritual and emotional exhaustion caused by extended and intense levels of stress, causing the body to over-produce adrenaline. It leads to the questioning of one's abilities and/or the value of one's work
What is Compassion Fatigue?
Compassion fatigue is defined as a natural consequence and by-product of caring for, listening to and helping those traumatized or learning about and hearing stories of those traumatized.
What are Key Signs of Burnout and Compassion Fatigue in Pastors:
Common Symptoms of Burnout:
Chronic fatigue, hopelessness, disillusionment, anxiety, disturbed sleep patterns, depression, isolation, harshness towards colleagues or parishoners, pervasive negativity and cynicism, a reduced commitment to work
What Are The Main Causes of Burnout:
Working too long and hard without a break.
Reaching a goal after long hard work and not having a vision or purpose to go forward from there. (Very typical after a church building program).
Feeling you are betrayed by those you are serving.
Feeling betrayed by those you are serving under.
Having done all you can in a position or place but not letting go or move on.
Feeling used or not cared for.
Sin, unconfessed and unrepented.
Wrong priorities in the use of time and energy. (Becoming a workaholic).
Violating the weekly "Sabbath" principle.
Being on duty 24/7.
Disappointment and disillusionment with a leader you have faithfully served.
Failure of a project or ministry you have invested of yourself very heavily in.
Frustration with others.
Unfulfilled expectations of success, recognition or reward.Lack of focus.
Energies and activities scattered in too many directions.
Trying to do the job you are not called, gifted or properly trained to do.
Working for the wrong motives.
In over your head without adequate support.
Occupying a position rather than fulfilling the call.
What Are The Common Consequences of Burnout:
Burnout is emotional exhaustion. Burnout can cause you to give up on something you have passionately committed to.
Burnout can cause you to:
Leave your church too soon.
Quit doing what God has called you to do.
Give up on your dreams.
Change your attitude and personality.
Damage your most important relationships.
Be lead to moral failure and sexual sin
Key Facts about Burnout & Compassion Fatigue: (from pastoralcareinc)
33% felt burned out within their first five years of ministry.
40% of pastors and 47% of spouses are suffering from burnout, frantic schedules, and/or unrealistic expectations.
45% of pastors' wives say the greatest danger to them and their family is physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual burnout.
45% of pastors say that they've experienced depression or burnout to the extent that they needed to take a leave of absence from ministry.
52% of pastors say they and their spouses believe that being in pastoral ministry is hazardous to their family's well-being and health.
57% would leave the pastorate if they had somewhere else to go or some other vocation they could do.
75% report severe stress causing anguish, worry, bewilderment, anger, depression, fear, and alienation.
90% work more than 50 hours a week.· 1,500 pastors leave their ministries each month due to burnout, conflict, or moral failure.
Contact me if…
You would like to learn more about the relevance of burnout/compassion fatigue in your life and/or in your ministry
You would like for me to conduct a training in-service to your church leadership about the importance of knowing the signs of burnout/compassion fatigue and having a preventative plan in place
You would like for me to conduct a church community presentation to your church members about the importance of balance as individuals, families and a larger church community
You would like to know about more resources available in regards to preventing burnout/compassion fatigue and ways of dealing with the fallout of it has already happened
You have any questions or suggestions that are not covered in this section or the featured articles offered.
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