Featured Local Christian Community Resources:
Each of the featured resources on this page are Christian based ministries, directly located in our Madison community. I have personally and professionally interacted with these ministries on multiple levels, and I highly recommend them for you to be aware of the possible benefits they may have to you as a pastor and a church community member.
If there are additional local Christian community resources that you think would be highly beneficial for others to have featured on this page, please contact me and I would love to talk directly with you or the leaders of the ministry to better understand the benefits that ministry offers to our community.
The Center for Christian Counseling
Living Well, Counseling Services
Life102.5 WNWC Radio Station
All God’s People
The Christian Business Directory
Madison Project Rachel and Rachel’s Vineyard
Celebrate Recovery
Heartland Christian Resources
Youth With A Mission (YWAM)
Next Step Minstries
Bold Mustard (Podcast Series)
Presented by Ross Kaellner
Campus Crusade for Christ-Madison
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
Madison National Marriage Encounter
Divorce Care
Grief Share
Agrace Hospice Care